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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

someone killed someone just because he said salam. both mens tribes came to Muhammad (blood, other lleniency). Muhammad said to take blood money. No. Camels? Finally they accepted blood money. the murderer came and asked Muhammad to ask Allah to forgive him. Muhammad said 'Oh Allah, do not forgive Muhallam'. Muhallam cried.

Abdullah bin Hudafah sent out a sariyyah. they did something that angered him. he told them to jump in the fire. they refused. he calmed down, and didn't command them to jump anymore.

Rumor Muhammad was preparing arms. Quraysh didn't do anything. Some of em went to Muhammad and said. O Muhammad, you were not known to betray, and you're gonna enter haram? Muhammad. I 'm not gonna enter. Men. right, you're a man of your word. This is you. Then the Muslims did Hajj.

Khalid became Muslim from his bro, Waleed bin Waleed bin Mugheerah's letter
So basically Waleed Jr..

Kay Zee Eee, Wun Aitee

Muslims faced romans of 200,000.Abdullah Rawahah leader, spoke to them. reminded them they were there for martyrdom. So they went forth, because he was right.

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