aftr life of hiposricy, abdullah bin ubay was about to die. Muhammad visited him and said i used to warn u from loving the jews. he replied asad bin zuarah despised him and what did that do to him?
He was torn between loyalties. he loved kuffar.
Muhammad wanted to pray janazah for abdullah bin ubayy. Umar reminded him of all the things he usd to do. Muhammad said to leave him alone, because he could be forgiven.
Allah sent down ayahs that you cant offer salat on munafikeen.
A m,an went to muhammad and sked him and told him to answer truthfully. He asked about all five pillars and muhammad answered all of them and the man became muslim
He had 2 braids
A christian man came to muhammad wearing a cross his name was uday. he wore khusraws bracelets
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