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Go to Ramadan, Day 11

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We already did this one.

But sakinah is deafer than a old man, so yeah. bla.
Muhammad wanted to defend Ali's reputation.
Rep IS a word. Hamza's phone lied.
Ali had sadaqah camels with him. the army wanted them. Ali said no, and he left someone to watch over the camels. When he got back, the camel had marks that someone rode it, and he became angry. They were also wearing his sadaqah garments. This gave him a bad reputation because peopl were angry that he became angry.
If you love me you need to love ali, said Muhammad.
Muhammad sent Osama bin Zayd to step with his horses on the land where his father was killed (somewhere in the roman empire) Osama was between 18 to 20 years old. People were concerned because he had slave lineage.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Farewell Hajj
Muadh bin Jabal sleeps down the first part of night and wakes up when he takes his need of sleep and he recites what Allah made him recite.

When Muhammad S sent Muadh to Yaman, he said to him that he's going to a people who are a people of a scripture, so call them to become muslims. If they accept, then tell them allah has obligated ion them 5 prayers. If they accept then tell them allah has obligated for them to give zakeh to their poor. If they accept that then choose the average lamb or goat or whatever for slottering zakah. And do not oppress.

Muhammad S says recruit them as soon as they become muslim.

Muhammad [SAW] said to Muadh that he (Muhammad S) may not see him again.

When Muadh came back, Muhammad had died. Muadh had some money and Umar told him to give it to Abu Bakr. Muadh refused because Muhammad told him to. Umar went to Abu Bakr to tell him to take some of Muadh's money. Abu Bakr refused, and then Muadh had a dream where he was being pullled toward hell and Umar was holding him back, soi Muadh gave all his money to Abu Bakr and Abu bakr gave it back and said it was Halal now, Inshalllah.

Muhammad S made Hajj and rode on his camel with humble riding equipment. A humble Hegg.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

aftr life of hiposricy, abdullah bin ubay was about to die. Muhammad visited him and said i used to warn u from loving the jews. he replied asad bin zuarah despised him and what did that do to him?
He was torn between loyalties. he loved kuffar.

Muhammad wanted to pray janazah for abdullah bin ubayy. Umar reminded him of all the things he usd to do. Muhammad said to leave him alone, because he could be forgiven.
Allah sent down ayahs that you cant offer salat on munafikeen.

A m,an went to muhammad and sked him and told him to answer truthfully. He asked about all five pillars and muhammad answered all of them and the man became muslim
He had 2 braids

A christian man came to muhammad wearing a cross his name was uday. he wore khusraws bracelets

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Muhammad bin maslamah was appointed in charge of medinah and Ali was left to take care of Muhammad S's family when muhammad S had to go to Tabuk. Muhamma asked him wouldnt he like to be what harun was to musa except there is no prophet after me. The army left.
Munafikeen discussed fighting the romans would be fighting the arabs? Allah sent ayahs on them.
1slam 1S 54CR3D {SACRED} H4M74H
Muhammad S said everyone who says laa ilaha illallah comes out to battle.
Abu dharr's camel was too slow, so he walked after them. Slow though.
Abu dharr died with a garment as a coffin
We shouldnt have to do anything with any punished generation
Muhammad S did wudu late and Abdurrahman bin awf already started the prayer, then muihammad S prayed behind him
They reached Room. khalid bin waleed was sent to captrue ukaidar. Muhammad said he would be hunting bulls. it was a full mooon night. Ukaidar was on the roof of his palace, and they saw the bulls come right to the gates of the fort. he told his servants to ready his horses and ukaidars brother died and khalid captured them and brought him to muhammad. he agreed to pay Jiziyah.
Ppl wanted Muhammad to visit their masjid, coz thety set a trap for him. Allah told Muhammad. They burned the masjid down
Q4414 41 84444D3R00 344144YEENAA! 1NTH4N331144T1L W4D44! W4J48444 5HUK3R00 314YNAA, M4D4 '441I1 M44 1 D4441 4ND W3 TH4NK Y00 FOR Y0UR 9R34TFULNE55!

Friday, October 7, 2011

                                        NO MUSHRIK IS ALLOWED INTO MASJED AL HERAM
                                            Allah will provide fr you
                                Muhammad made it clear from the beginning they were going to attack Room
                                    Surah Tawbah was revealed in same year as tabuk (after)
                                    Muhammad S wanted to recruit every able bodied muslim
                                        bad time to travel, summer, date palms ripening
                                Allah says go forth whether light or heavy strive with wealth in life in cause of allah
                                        Allah excuses the weak and Ill                                   
                                Uthman gave money to muhammad and he would never get any sins after that day
                                        DONT BE DECEIVED BY SWEETONGUES
                        Some men wanted to join real bad, and they couldnt coz they were poor and muhammad couldn't help them and they left crying.
                                            dont let hypocrytes go o M S!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Taif ppl thought they were next on muhammad SAW conquering. Taif pulled together an army. muhammad s marched out with 12,000 Abu bakr and others sad they wouldnt be defeated due to lack of numbers. Taif army had a wise old man in it, who used to be a very good fighter. his name was durayb bin assimmah. he was a poet. durayb asked where they were? they told him. he said it was good for cavalry. then he said why do i hear camels, sheep, and babies? (they brought their families and cattle). they told him <. Malik bion auf was leader of taif army. Durayb said that he shudnt have. Malik said they would fight for their families.  Durayb said nothing will turn back a person in retreat. they wont think, theylljust run. Durayb asked who was with them? they told him two clan names who were help0ing them. He said to malik that he was doing suicide (by doing all these things).  Durayb said to meet the muslims on horseback and to put their families high up. Malik said that no, i wont, ur klnowledge is getting old.  Durayb alreadygave advice, they didnt listen, so he said it wont be his fault they lose.

Muhammad spoke to Safwan bin Umayyah, a leadr of quraysh, asked him to give him spears and sheilds. Safwan asked Are you takingf them by force, or borrowiong them. mu7hammad said borrowing, and will return them. Safwan said okay, gave him the arms. After the battle the weapons were broken and lost, and m,uhammad returned them and said he can pay for them? Safwan said no, dont, i feel islam.

Muhamamd needed a guard he asked, who can gueard us? Anas bin abi marfad volunteered. Muhammad said to face this valley until you reach to the end, and we dont want to be attacked from your part.  In the morning,  muhammad went to the musallah, prayed fajr and said did you hear his movement? Muhammad prayed fajr. While theyprayed, muhammad was looking towards the valley, and when they finished fajr, he said bear the glad tidings, your knight has arrived. they didnt see him, but soon they did. he came to muhammad, gave him salaam and said that he was in the plcae the vally, and when morning he looked from top oif two mountains didnt see anything. dsid you descend anytime? Anas said no. He got paradaaayyysss.

They started marching, and sudden;y they were attacked from three sides hawazin were good archers. banu sulaym fleed. attulaqaa' fleed 2000 of em. camels stumbled on one another.  Abu sufyan said that the surrenderers will never stop running until they reach the sea. the new muslims said muhammads 'magic' was gone. Safwan wasnt happy about what happened.

salamah bin aqwa'. good fighter. he said he was fleeing, and ran. he passed muhammad S. Muhammad S said that salamah has seen something terrifying. Allah helped them. Allahumma laa sahlan illah maa ja altahuu sahlaa!

Alllah sent Angels

A cloud landed and a carpet pof ants came o=ut o it. Then Abbas Abu sufyanj bin harith, an uncle, umm aimans son (umm aiman was muhammads nurse). ONLY them remained. Abbas Called loudly. ABBAS SAID ALKHAZRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ! they turned around, and ,muhammad had a hundred men. Muhammad marched ahead. they tried to pull back his mule. they started fighting.  Muhammad threw dirt toward hawazin. It went in their eyes. they felt terror.

abu qatadah was a gr8 warrior, he killed someone and  another muslim stole his booty, and abu bakr ruled and the man had to give back the booty.

A group of men gathered around a woman who was killed by Khgalid al Waleed. Muhammad said  to tell khalid not to kill women.


End of battles against the arabs.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Muslims were loyal, so info didnt leak.
Abu sufyan accepted ashadu allaaaa ilaha ilallah, but didnt beleive wa ashadu annamuhammadarrasoolullah, but then he accepted and became muslim.
banu bakr tried to stop Khalid bin Waleeds part of the army, and he crushed them, and they got Mecca.
Came to mecca humbly, thanking allahI There were images of angels in the kabah, Umar wiped away the pictures.
A man had a slave, he came home once, and thwe slave forgot to prepare food, and the kman killed him, then the man apostated and taught two girls to sing against muhammad. ONE OF THE GIRLS BECAME MUSLIM, OTHER WAS EXECUTED ALONG WITH THE MAN, WHOSE name was abdullah. he was executed hanging on the Kabah.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

be sked

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in Jahiliyah a man from banu hadrami
was allies with banu bakr. Khaza'ah killed him. Banu bakr took revenge,
killed one from Khaza'ah.

Khaza ah allied with
muhammad and Banu Bakr allied with Kuresh

Muawiyah bin nawfal attacked people
from khuza ah very close to alHaram. ONLY Muawiyah attacked. his tribe

It was the holy month
Banu bakr warned Muawiyah screaming
AlHaram, AlHaram! He said there is no god today, seek your revenge,
you already steal inside alharam, so why does it matter?

Is it the Romans? Aisha didn't answer
Is it__?

Is it__?
Muyhammad came "I'm gunna attack

Om habibah took a rug away from Abu
Sufyan. HA HA HA! Why doez he want to kwaiiiii?? He thought evil befell

Abu Sufyan begged
the muslims to intercede on his behalf to extend the pact, he asked
Abu Bakr, Umar, Ali,
all refused.


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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

someone killed someone just because he said salam. both mens tribes came to Muhammad (blood, other lleniency). Muhammad said to take blood money. No. Camels? Finally they accepted blood money. the murderer came and asked Muhammad to ask Allah to forgive him. Muhammad said 'Oh Allah, do not forgive Muhallam'. Muhallam cried.

Abdullah bin Hudafah sent out a sariyyah. they did something that angered him. he told them to jump in the fire. they refused. he calmed down, and didn't command them to jump anymore.

Rumor Muhammad was preparing arms. Quraysh didn't do anything. Some of em went to Muhammad and said. O Muhammad, you were not known to betray, and you're gonna enter haram? Muhammad. I 'm not gonna enter. Men. right, you're a man of your word. This is you. Then the Muslims did Hajj.

Khalid became Muslim from his bro, Waleed bin Waleed bin Mugheerah's letter
So basically Waleed Jr..

Kay Zee Eee, Wun Aitee

Muslims faced romans of 200,000.Abdullah Rawahah leader, spoke to them. reminded them they were there for martyrdom. So they went forth, because he was right.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


ahl asunnah eight bedouins very poor became muslim and stayed with ahlusuffah. they were unhealthy. they hated the climate. Muhammad told em to drink from the milk and urine of the camels, they became healthy. Ungrateful, killed shepherd of muhammad, stole the camels. Muhammad made dua against them for them to be blind blind. so the next day, the 8 bedouins came back coz of their blindness. Their eyes were branded with hot metal, their arms were cut off.
a drug today uses mare beloohdaah.
the extreme punishment. this was the most fiercest punjishment
Murdered+stole+disbelieved after believing+armed robbery
eyes were branded because they branded the shepherds eyes.
Muhammad had trust in Zayd bin Harithah.deep trussttt
Marhab struck amoir with his sword, buth is swod got stuck in amirs sheild. Amir tried to hit marhab but his sword was too short so he hit a major vein on his knee and bled to death. people said amir lost all his deeds (suicide) Muhammad said he'd recieve double reward. Badge of honor!  ugly
a feis!
dont even desire leadershipp.
.You willl regret authority on the DOJ
War in islam is waaayyy different than other warz
Slogan, oh victor, kill kill AMIT AMIT HAHA AMZ TO O FFFAAAAANEEE.

Bedouin came muslim, went with muhamad tio battle of khaybar. won, got bootie. bedouins share of ghaneemah was brott to him. he asked what it was. he said h only followed islam for JANNAH!!!!! FOR SHUHADAAAAA!
Allah gave him what he wanted, an arrow in his neck. He was buried wearing the garment of muhammad SAW
Someone ran fastlyu holding 2 SHEEP!
Slottered the sheep.
sack filled with dried fat to eat. a man picked it up and started walking. Abdullah bin Mughaffir. a man tried to pull it away fro him, the booty splitter.Muhammad smyled and told the man to let him go. Muhammad laffed taffed.
GHifarr women came to Muhammad, said they wanted to go forth with him, so they could care for the injured. he let them. Girl sat behind Muhammad. she bled on the camel, because she had a period. she cleaned her self with salt and water. women an children arent givin a share of booty.
 Bishr bin Bara died  from a mouthful. POWERFUL poison. le pwuasaughnnemuhammad that it was poisoned. thwe bone told himn it was poiisoned. so he spit it out.
His Aorta was cut from the le puasaghnne. so he died shaheed


I warn you. Don't use it for png saving. use GIMP or something. but don't use paint. Even in the picture above (Drawn in Paint), if you look closely, you'll see the red circle with a slash in the middle is all choppy.
saved in gif...

saved in jpeg...
So no matter how you save it, it still turns out as horrible as ever. I would recommend GIMP last, because it is a little difficult to use. I'm going to look out for some better drawing softwares.

Friday, September 2, 2011

I wrote this man in my notes, but i deleted him because i knew he would get distorted after i transferred him to blogger
6 years since left Mecca. Invited people to come for Umrah. 1400 went. they reached a place. They had 20 men on horseback who walked ahead of the muslims, and he also sent a spy to gather info for him. Bishr bin Sufyan. Abbad bin Bishr was leader of cavalry. Also weapons, not on them, obviously. The Quraysh saw em and prepared for war. Quraysh tried to stop them. Ikrimah and Khalid were coming! Went around Khalid and Ikrimah! HA! Al Quswa', Muhammad SAW's camel. They told her to stand up, she refused. the people said that she became refractory.
Miracle, a well that was empty. Put Muhammad's arrow in it, and it had water! ]\|ura
Banu Makhzum- abu jahl, Waleed bin Mughirah, Khalid and banu abdulmanaf Banu hashim- Muhammad, banu Umayyah- Uthman
Abu Bakr insulted Urwah and his god, Al-Lat
Everything that had to do with Muhammad SAW had his blessings in it too
Muhammad gave Bay'ah for Uthman

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ramadan Art: Abdullah bin Atiq

Abdullah bin Atiq hit abu Rafi, someone who was bad to muhammad in the spinal cord. it was funny, because
Abdullah was a good actor, because he changed his voice so Abu Rafi wouldn';t suspect him.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ramadan Art: Sa 'ad bin Mu'adh

When Muhammad heard Sad was dying, he walked very fast to him. because he didn't want the angels to beat them to Sad.
Angels who never came down to dunya, came for Sad's Janazah.
The throne of Allah shook because of the death of Sad bin Muadh.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ramadan Art: Hudhayfah bin Al Yaman

Muhammad once asked "Who will volunteer to go see what's up with the Quraysh? You'll be my companion in jannah." No one volunteered. So Muhammad called on Hudhayfah bin Al Yaman. Muhammad said don't call any trouble. So Hudhayfah went. Suddenly, Abu Sufyan stood up and said to check the man next to you. So Hudhayfah quickly asked someone their information, very smart, so they couldn't ask him anything. So Abu Sufyan said they were about to give up. Hudhayfah went back to camp, told the news to Muhammad. So the Quraysh and Ghathafan gave up.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Ramadan Art: Asim bin Thabit

Muhammad SAW sent a group led by Asim bin Thabit, a group of ten. They were ambushed by a hundred archers who started shooting. The group hid and the archers demanded them to come down. Obviously, Asim refused they fought with each other, and 7 were killed. The last three surrendered and were tied up. One got untied and tried to fight but he was killed. Abu sufyan killed the last two. one was crucified. The people said that those ten men were a failure. Allah sent a verse, saying it doesnt matter, they died for allah.
Before Asim bin Thabit was killed he asked allah to protect his body (not strip him) when he was dead. so they wanted to take off his clothes and cut his head off. Allah sent a swarm of wasps when someone went near him. the next day, allah sends a flood that takes the body away. Ha ha. Actually, they tried to go near him because a woman wanted his skull to use as a goblt to drink from. She's dumb.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ramadan Art: Zayd bin Thabit

Zayd bin Thabit was from the Aus tribe. his father was killed in one of the continuous battles between the Aus and  Khazraj. One time, Zayd wanted to fight in the battle of badr. at that timw, he was only 13-14. Muhammad SAW turned him down. another time, Muhammad SAW told him to learn hebrew because he (Muhammad) did not trust the Jews. So Zayd learned hebrew in 15 days!

Hassan bin Thabit poetried against the ppl who killed the teachers of Quran, and he named his sons after tghe shuhadaa'.
Zubair named sons after shaheeds and Talha after prophets.
Abu Salamah and  umm salamah made anagreement for er to not marry any1 else after he dies. then abu salamah made dua for her to get a better husband in place of him.
Muhammad SAW bought furniture for ummsalamah  from IKEA.
stuffed with palm leaves. some clay pots, and pillowz.
Hasan bin Alee woulda bween Harb bin Alee. He made adhan in his ear. also, two sheep for aqiqah and fatimah shaved his head.
Told Zayd bin Thabit to learn Hebrew because he didn't trust the jews. Learned it in 15 dayz. Genius laaa.
Some Jews wanted to throw a rock on Muhammads head and kill him. Muhammad was warned by Jibreel. so he went away from the ambush site.
Muhammad sent a message to the Jews for them to leave because they have broken the treaty. at first, they agreed, but the dumb leader of the hypocrites told them to stay and fight and Muhammad lay siege to their territory. Banu Nadeer were rich. they had fancy fortresses and agricultural land. they could survive a long siege. Muammad SAW started burning down their farmland. they went mental. they sent a message and said they thought he hates destruction. He said he would stop if they left and didnt take any weapons. only 1 camel load per peghSon. Banu Nadeer were a proud tribe. Their fortresses didn't protect them from Allah. Allah cast fear into Banu Nadeers heart. Fear was a soldier of  Allah.
The trees muhammad cut down were from the permissionne of Allah
two women were executed. they actually tried to poison Muhammad SAW.
Muammad SAW got some income from Banu Nadeers leftoverz.
Alchohol was banned during the siege

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ramadan Art: Abdullah bin Unays

Khalid bin Suffyan al hudali recruited an army to fight the muslims. Abdullah bin unais was sent to kill khalid. Muhammad said thsat if abdullah sees him, he'll tremble.
So Abdullah was told to go to arafat.
When he saw a man, he shivered, and he knew it was Khalid. Khalid had female members o his family around him. Abdullah worried that he had to pray Asr, so he prayed while walkin toward khalid, by moving his head. he reached khalid and told him he was a bedouin arab wanting t join his army. he talked to him a little, then he killed him. Abdullah left and entered madeenah, when abdullah reached madinah, muhamad made dua for him. Abdullah was given a stick by muhammad, he asked why he gave it to him. Muhammadd answered that it would be a tie between him and abdullah. so he immediately brought the stick everywhere, and he was buried ith it.

Ramadan Art: Wahshi

Wahshi killed Hamza just to free himself (he was a slave). He hid behind bushes and threw the spear at Hamza's private part, and he killed him.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Ramadan Art: Handalah

Handalkah fought in the battle of Uhud. in the battle, he saw Abu Sufyan on a horse, and although he himself was infantry, he decided to face off against Abu Sufyan. So he tried to hit Abu sufyan, but an enemy soldier threw a spear at him. He tried to hit Abu Sufyan again, but the enemy threw another spear, and he died. After the battle was over, Muhammad SAW noticed something strange. some angels were carrying Handalah up to the heavens and washing him!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ramadan Art: Abu Dujanah

At the battle of Uhud when the armies were lined up already, Muhammad held a sword and asked who shall take this sword from me? Everyone volunteered. He said again, who will take this sword with its rights? They asked what are the rights? For you to hit the enemy until it bends. Someone from the army stepped forth named Abu Dujanah. He said he was up for the challenge, and he really bent the sword. So Muhammad handed it over. When Abu Dujanmah fights, he was known for putting on a red headband. He started marching proudly between the army lines. Muhammad said that that is a way of walking allah doesn't like, except in this case, because the enemy army was watching. Abu Dujanah cleared a path through the enemy. right through the middle. Abu Dujanah killed almost everyone. There was a man who was merciless to the muslims, he and Abu Dujanah dueled, and the sword got stuck in Abu Dujanahs sheild, and Abu Dujanah pulverized him. Abu Dujanah was weaker than him. but he still won. He slashed his shoulder all the way to the thigh.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ramadan Art: Talhah bin Obaidullah

Talhah was ine of the early muslims, although he didn't get to fight badr, becaus ehe was spying on the qurayshes caravan, but Muhammad SAW still gave him booty. At ihud, he got to fight, and he was a human sheild to Muhammad SAW. so much arrows went into him that his right arm got paralyzed for life!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Ramadan Art: Zubair bin Al-Awwam

Zubair bin Al Awwam was one of the earliest muslims, and was tortured fiercely for that by his Mother and Uncle. they rolled him in a rig, tied him and put smoke in a room and threw him in. before he came muslim, his mom used to train him very hard, which is why he became such a great warrior. one time, he went to fight the romans, and he brought his son, Abdullah bin Zubayr on the back of his horse, gave him a sword, and he himself climbed on with two swords while controlling the horse at the same time. Also, in the battle of badr, there was this man who was wearing armor from head to toe, with only a little slit for him to see through. Zubair got his javelin, ran and jammed it into the slit. the spearhead was too big, so he pushed and pushed until the head of the spear broke. also, one time he was fighting and he saw a person on a horse, and cut off his head in one slash, and a sahaba saw him and said 'What a strong sword you have, o zubair'. Zubair answered, its not the sword, its the arm thats holding it, and he galloped away. his son, just as his father was, was a great warrior. Zubair was friends with Talhah bin Ubaidullah, and Zubair was killed by a man after the battle of the Camel. He was killed while he was praying.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ramadan Art: Umayr bin Wahb

                  Ramadan, Day 18

Umair bin Wahb was one of the most devil Quraysh. One time, he told his friend, Safwan that if he didn't have kids to worry about, then he would go and kill Muhammad SAW. Safwan said that if anything happened to him (Umair), then he would take care of his kids, so Umair set off towards Mecca. This was right after the battle of badr, so when he arrived, the battle of badr was the talk of the town. Umar bin Alkhattab was with some other Sahaba talking about Badr, he saw Umair and saw bad in his face, so he picked him up, wrapped his sword sheath around his neck, and broiught him to Muhammad SAW. Muhammad Immediately told Umar to let Umair go. Umar dropped him and told muhammad "This man is herte for no good". Umair said good morning to Muhammad, Muhammad said that they have a better greeting given to them than good morning. then he asked why Umair had come all the way from Mecca. Umair answered to free his son, who was a prisoner of war. Muhammad said no, you're lying and told him the story of Umair and Safwans conversation. Umair became muslim, because he swore no one overheard them.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ramadan Art: Abdullah bin Zubayr

                  Ramadan, Day 17
Abduallah bin Zubayr was the first male child born in madeenah. He was the son of Asma bin Abi Bakr so he was the cousin in law, and he was also a nephew to the prophet becaus his father was Zubayr. He had very much Khushu' in salah, so much that the birds landed on him, thinking he was just an object. One time, makkah was flooded, and he wanted to make tawaf, so he swum around the Kabah. He was a lot like his father; they were both fantastic warriors. Abdullah was killed praying.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ramadan Art: Abdur-rahman bin Awf

                  Ramadan, Day 16

The background is supposedly badr.
Abdurrahman bin Awf was very rich, his wealth seemed to keep growing crazily. One time, Abdurrahman bin Awf had some armor with him, very expensive, it was his booty. Umayyah sees him and says "O Abd Amr", because that was his name before he came muslim, but some time ago, Abdurrahman said not to call him Abd Amr. So Umayyah decided to call him Abdul Ilah. When Abdurrahman didn't answer, he said "Abdul Ilah, would you like something bettter than those chainmillls? Take me and my son as prisoners" so Abdurrahman grabbed him. Everyone muslim wanted to capture Umayyah from him, because Umayyah was rich, so the ransom would be a lot of money, so he told Ali, Umayyahs son to distract them, and he was killed, then he ran with ummayah, but Umayyah was fat, so abdurrahman lost ummayah and the chinmill.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ramadan Art: Abu Sufyan

                  Ramadan, Day 15
A camel.  drew it to represent a caravan, because I don't know how to draw a caravan. He, Abu sufyan always used to lead caravans, like before the battle of badr.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ramadan Art: Suhayb Ar-Roomi

                  Ramadan, Day 14

Suhayb Ar-Roomi, or Suhayb bin Sinan, actually came from a very noble family. his dad was an arab named Sinan bin Malik. One day, his mother took him outside for a picnic. While they were picnicking, some raiders came through and took Suhayb. The Raiders were Byzantinian/Roman, and they brought him to Rome, where he was sold as a slave. He stayed there so long that he had a roman accent! After some time, he was sold into Mecca to a man named Abdullah bin Jad'an, who freed him. So Suhayb started a business and got some money, and heard of Muhammad SAW and became Muslim. When the Muslims migrated to Madinah, Suhayb went too, but the men of Quraysh followed him and held him back. In one narration, it said he drew forty arrows, and said he would shoot all of them, and if they didn't die, (the Quraysh men) then he would draw his sword and show them the man he was. in another narration, he asked if he gave them all his wealth, would they let him go? They agreed, and he gave them his money and traveled to Madinah.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ramadan Art: Abdullah bin Zayd

                  Ramadan, Day 13
All right, today I drew Abdullah bin Zayd's name! Do any of you think his name is Zayd bin Abdullah xD?

Well, when the muslims finished building masjid An-Nabawi, they wanted som ething to call the people to pray. Some people suggested a bell, but the Prophet SAW said no. Someone suggested a horn, the prophet refused. then one night, a man named Abdullah bin Zayd had a dream. he saw a man holding a bell, and he asked the man for the bell, but instead, the man taught Abdullah the athan. the next day, Abdullah told Muhammad SAW his dream, and Muhammad SAW said it was a true dream, and he told Abdullah bin Zayd to go teach the athan to Bilal, because his voice was nicer.

Uh...The end, so go away now.
Also, who's Zayd bin Abdullah? He's an imaginary Sahaba my sister made up xD.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Ramadan Art: Abdullah bin Abdullah

                  Ramadan, Day 12

Abdullah bin Abdullah, or Abdullah bin Abu Bakr, was the son of the first Caliph of the muslims, Abu Bakr. His mother was a pagan, and remained  pagan til her death. He (Abdullah bin Abi Bakr)Died a martyr. He was killed by an arrow, and Abu Bakr kept the Arrow and during his caliphate, he showed it to the people and asked if anyone there recognized the arrow as theirs. A man in the crowd inspected the arrow, and claimed it to be his. Abu Bakr thanked the man for making his son a martyr.

Ramadan Art: Khabbab bin Arat

                  Ramadan, Day 10
Khabbab bin Arat was a blacksmith. He was tortured by the quraysh very badly, because of his proffession, they used the blocks of Iron in his shop to torture him, heating them in the fire, and hitting him with them. they also found rocks, heated them over the fire until they were red, lay them out on the ground, and tied him onto them. one time he showed Umar bin Al-Khattab his back, and Umar was aghast, because there were deep black holes in his back from the rocks that the people tied him onto.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

                  Ramadan, Day 9Muhammad SAW once chose Musab ibn Umair to teach the Madinites Islam. Before Islam, Musab was very, very rich.

Ramadan Art: Al Abbas bin Abdul Mutallib

                  Ramadan, Day 11~
Al Abbas was the prophet's uncle, and he supported Muhammad SAW even when he (Abbas) was a disbeleiver.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ramadan Art: Khalid Bin Al Waleed

                  Ramadan, Day 8
Read a book about him! there are many!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ramadan Art: Hamza bin Abdul Mutallib

                  Ramadan, Day 7
Ok, everyone knoews this guys, so I don't have the need to explain
Aww.. Alright. Hamza bin Abdul Mutallib was Muhammad SAW's uncle, and he loved the prophet SAW. One time, he was out hunting. when he came back, some slavegirl told him that Abu Jahl treated ?Muhammad SAW meanly and threw a rock at his head. Hamza stormed up to Abu Jahl and whacked him with his bowhammad, although he didn't (yet). he just said it out of pride. the tribe of Abu Jahl stood up to defend him, and Banu Hashim stood up to protect Hamza. they were about to fight, then Abu Jahl said to leave Hamza alone, because he did unjustly treat Muhammad SAW badly.

Hamza went home and thought about what he said. then he prayed to allah that Islam was the right religion (he wanted to become muslim). So the next day, he went to Muhammad SAW and told him he wanted to become muslim. it was a happy day for Muhammad SAW.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ramadan Art: Jafar bin Abi Talib

Ramadan, Day 6

Okey, well hi.
In a battle, Muhammad SAW commanded Jafar as commander. so jafar was fighting, and helost both 0of his arms and died. those arms were replaced by wings, and Jibreel told Muhammad Jafar is flying with the angels.
Jafar was also very eloquent.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Ramadan Art: Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari

Ramadan, Day 5

hmm hmm hmm...
-Oh, Hi there! Today I drew a picture about Abu Dharr. abu Dharr came fro ma tribe that was known for robbing. One time Abu Dharr's brother told him about a prophet that lived in makkah, and Abu dharr asked a few questions about him, then he decided to investigate himself, so he went to madinah and asked a man where he could meet uhammad SAW and the man stared at him and called the Quraysh, and they beat him up. After that, he was too scared to ask anyone else where he could meet Muhammad SAW, so he ended up staying in Makkah for 30 days, living just on Zamzam water. the zamzam water was so filling, his belly skin started folding XD. Then one day he saw two women worshipping idols, and he said something sarcastic, and they pretended not to hear him, then he said a bad word, than they ran screaming, because it must have been a VERY bad word. They ran into Muhammad SAW and Abu Bakr, and Muhammad and Abu Bakr asked what was up with them, and they told them that "That Heratic back there said something that was very bad", then Muhammad and Abu baker met Abu dharr.

Ramadan Art: Salman Al-Farsi

Ramadan, Day 1 ~

All drawn by mouse.
You might be either like:
What? Hey, who's Salman Al Farsi?
or like:
What are all those little icons on the 'S'? I mean like, I understand that he was like basically burned or something? Then he got hung on a cross? What kind of guy is this? still alive? And then he's like black from being burned in the fire, and I'm lik-
To fix those false confusions, I will tell you who Salman was, and what Salman Al Farsi did.
    First of all, Salman was a Magean, (someone who worships fire). That should explain why I drew fire on the top of the S. Well, back on topic. He lived in persia, where his father was the cheif of their tribe.
    Salman's father loved salman so much, he kept him in the house like a slave girl. One day, Salmans father had some business to do, but he couldn't do it because he had another job. Salman asked his father if he could do it, and his father said yes. So Salman started off, just a child, and he passed by a church. He heard sounds in the church, so he was curious. He went inside the church and asked the bishop or Priest about their religion. They told him and he found it to be better than Fire worshipping. He asked where their religion originated from and they told him their religion originated from As-Sham, current-day Syria. When he came back home to his father, it was already past sunset, and his father was frantic, until he saw Salman. He asked Salman where he had been, seeing that Salman had not done the job he had given him. Salman told him about the Christians and their religion, and he told his father that their religion is better than ours. His father was so scared that Salman would convert to Chrisianity, that he ended up chaining salman in the house. Salman managed to send out a message to the church saying that if they saw any caravan heading towards As-Sham, then they notify him. Soon, they saw a Caravan, told Salman and he managed to run away to the caravan. The caravan brought him to as sham, and he studied under a bishop there. The bishop turned out to be a very bad man, asking for donations for this and that, and then keeping all the money to himself. When the people heard this, they ended up crucifying him.
   After all this, Salman ended up traveling from place to place, until his last teacher died. His teacher said that no one on the earth was following the same religon as him(Following it properly, the way of their forefathers). Thewy had all died. So he told Salman that soon, A prophet would arise in the land of the arabs, and that salman could recognize him by three signs:
1. He eats from only a gift, not  from charity
2.He doesn't accept Charity for himself
3. on his back, there is a seal of prophethood
Well Salman had alreasdy gathered much wealth by then, and he  had sheep and cows and camels, and money. He saw a caravan that was going to Makkah or Madinah, and he offered them all his wealth in order for them to bring him to the place described to him by the bishop. They agreed, but they were traitors. They sold him as a slave to a jew living in Waadi al qura, a place on the outskirts of Makkah. the jew, after some time sold him to someone else livinbg in makkah. One day, Salman heard his master talking to his cousin (The master's cousin), about a man who claimed to be a prophet, (Obviously Muhammad SAW).  One night, Salman crept away to meet the Prophet SAW, bringing food with him. Muhammad SAW was with his companions, and Salman Presented the food as charity to them and Muhammad SAW. Muhammad told his companions to eat, but he himself didnt eat. Salman left and came back again, after some time, bringing some more food. He presented it as a gift, and this time, Muhammad SAW ate from it with his companions.
Slamn got ready for the last sign, the seal. he tried to get around Muhammad SSAW so he could see the seal on his back. Muhammad SAW thought that salman must have been told by someone that he had a seal on his back, so he opened his shirt, and Salman kissed the seal, cried and bowed to the Prophet SAW. The Prophet immediately told him to stand up. Later, Salman became Muslim.

I hoped that made you understand my picture above...

Cross-when he visited the church
little blaxck figure- Him running away from home to get to As-Sham in the caravan
Shackles- when he was enslaved
Palm tree- being sold from his first master to the master in madinah, the palm tree representing madinah
Gift, food and seal-The three signs
Islam symbol- His converting to islam

Ramadan Art: Abu Bakr/Abdullah bin Abi Quhafah

Ramadan, Day 2
Abu bakr was a very generous man, always freeing slaves and helping the needy. He was also very good with Geneaology, I think thats how you spell it... Well, he also migrated with the prophet SAW to madinah, and they hid in the cave of Thawr, where a bird made a nest and a spider made a web at the entrance, so the Quraysh didn't think Muhammad and Abu Bakr were hiding in the cave. He was the first free man to become a muslim, and his real name was Abdullah bin abi Quhafa, and he was the first caliph of the muslims. He was from a rich family from Banu Tammim.

Ramadan Art: Usama bin Zeyd

Ramadan, Day 3~
Usamah bin Zayd was the Commander of the Muslim Army once. He was appointed by Muhammad SAW as the commander, but Muhammad SAW died before the army started off. Some people said they should replace Usamah with someone older, and they told Umar to ask Abu Bakr if thgey could replace Usamah. Abu Bakr was infuriated and he grabbed Umar's beard, like Musa did to Harun, and Told him
"Are you telling me to replace someone that Muhammad SAW appointed himself?!"
And Umar reprimanded the muslims who told him to ask Abu Bakr. (He was scared)

Fun Facts
-Did you know that Usamah was less than 20 years old when he led the Muslim army?
-Did you know, Usamah's father, Zayd bin Harithah was the second person to become muslim?
-Did you know Usamah was born in the 7th year after Hijrah?

Ramadan Art: Bilal bin Rabah

                  Ramadan, Day 4~
I think you all know who this is...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

This is a Computer Monitor I drew. Isn't it a beaut?


This guy is named Serkla.
He's so small...

Weird boy.

Hi there, I named this guy Weedow. (say WEE-dO). He's laughin at the air...


Skwerz is a character I made up...

I'm also making one called Serkla...

Genius names, huh? I don't care.
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